March 20, 2024. 06:00 AM

-1.0 deg, overcast, calm winds. No new snow.

Dry facetted snow hanging in there in protected north aspects above 1800 m. Sun crust on all solar aspects, softening during the day. Light to modereate wind effect at ridge top and alpine. The early Feb melt freeze crust is down 120 - 150 cm. Mid and lower snowpack is well consolidated and supportive. Average 270 cm, up to 360 cm in lee terrain.

No new avalanches yesterday.

U Pick corn farm was open yesterday - get it before it over ripens. Skiing Ned Zone, Area 51, Caribou Pass, and Merlot yesterday.


March 21, 2024. 06:00 AM


March 19, 2024. 06:00 AM