December 22, 2022. 06:00 AM
-31.0 deg C, clear, calm winds. No new snow.
Wind effect above treeline from previous NW flow. Total 10-15 cm recent storm snow overlies surface hoar and previous wind effect at ridge top and alpine areas exposed to northwest flow. Total 40-50 cm of settled storm snow out there over a thin sun crust on south aspect, and surface hoar at treeline. Total 80 - 90 cm over Nov 21 layer of surface hoar, facets, and sun crust on south aspects. Even solid coverage 140 - 150 cm down to 1600 m.
Ski cutting, remotes, and natural pockets of windslab to size 1 yesterday.
Christmas family and friends sticking to the sunny slopes of Shiraz yesterday, and oh yah - sauna.