September 10, 2020. 0700 AM

10.0 deg C. Clear sunny skies. Calm wind.

What a time to be in the alpine - fall colours are starting to appear. The alpine bloom is fading - but flowers can still be found in wet locations and at higher elevations. Paintbrush, asters, arnica, lupin, red monkey flow, red stemmed saxifrash on ridges, and some dwarf fireweed. Huckleberries are starting to appear.

All hiking and mountain biking trails are open - one snow patch remains on Infinity. The ice is off the lake! Day-trippers are welcome - all trail donations include a cold beer at Sol Lake. Please park up the road from our guest parking area.


September 13, 2020. 0700 AM


September 7, 2020. 0700 AM.