August 15, 2023. 06:30 AM

16.0 deg, clear blue skies, calm winds. No smoke.

Alpine flowers are fading in warm exposed locations, but in full bloom in wetter cooler zones - Arnica, Monkey Flowers, Paintbrush, Asters, Lupins, Valerian, and heather. The odd huckleberry has been found.

BEARS IN AREA - two grizzly bears were encountered on the Beyond trail August 12. Trails are dry and dusty out there. All trails are open for mountain biking and hiking. Day use is welcome - trail donations include a cold Mt Begbie Kolsch at Sol Lake ! Dogs are not permitted in Monashee Provincial Park.


August 16, 2023. 06:30 AM


August 14, 2023. 06:30 AM