August 22, 2020 0700 AM

5.0 deg C. 25 mm rain overnight. Cloudy / Foggy. Light SW wind. No new snow.

Prime time alpine. Some snow patches remain in north facing gullies.

Bloom is fading in dry tree line areas. Alpine is still in full bloom. Globe flowers have micro dosed and are now hippy heads ! Paintbrush, asters, arnica, lupin, red monkey flow, red stemmed saxifrash on ridges, and some dwarf fireweed. Heather in some higher wetter locations.

Hiking is open. Trails are open to mountain biking, Infinity north side of ridge is open with a few snow patches in gullies. The ice is off the lake! Day-trippers are welcome - all trail donations include a cold beer at Sol Lake. Please park up the road from our guest parking area.


August 23, 2020 0700 AM


August 20, 2020. 0700 AM